ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro

Use this tool to
Draw a boundary polygon to delineate your restoration monitoring area (requires an ArcMap or ArcGISPro license)
End Product(s)

A boundary polygon in the form of an Esri shapefile or Esri File Geodatabase File

ArcMap (ArcGIS Desktop) and ArcGIS Pro are desktop-based Geographic Information System (GIS) applications, created by Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri). Both provide similar functionality for drawing, editing, and exporting polygons in multiple file formats. They are powerful tools for drawing, editing, and customizing polygons, among many other capabilities. Both applications require a paid license.

ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro are fully-featured GIS applications. In addition to digitizing polygons, they can be used to manage and edit data, analyze spatial patterns and trends, create maps, and much more. Esri is planning to retire ArcMap in 2026, after which it will only maintain the newer application, ArcGIS Pro. While both applications provide similar functionality for drawing boundaries, they have very different interfaces. ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro are only compatible with the Windows operating system. See the following links for tutorials on drawing polygons.

Technical skills/resources required
ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro license, Windows operating system
Varies by license type
Language(s) available
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Others

AURORA (Assessment, Understanding, and Reporting of Restoration Actions

Use this tool to
Select priority restoration monitoring indicators based on restoration objectives; assess the quality of the indicators; report progress against those indicators
End Product(s)

Customized framework of restoration targets and indicators; downloadable PDF report of restoration progress of each indicator towards its target.

AURORA is a decision-support tool that helps users identify indicators and metrics to monitor progress toward their restoration goals. The interactive web application guides users through basic questions about their restoration objectives, priorities, goals, and constraints. After following the step-by-step process in the app, the user will have: (1) a set of indicators and metrics that reflect their priority restoration goals; (2) baseline and target values for the selected indicators and metrics (as input by the user using external sources of data); and (3) a reporting framework that combines the selected indicators and metrics into a score of restoration progress.

Based on the publication The Road to Restoration, the AURORA tool is geared towards terrestrial and coastal restoration activities that can occur within the following land cover contexts: forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands, settlement, or other land. The tool provides guidance on which indicators and metrics to choose depending on how you define the goals of your restoration activity. You must then input your own targets that define success for the indicators and collect your own data for the indicators using external tools and methods. After doing so, AURORA provides a mechanism for reporting results in the form of a table for recording data and targets, and an auto-calculated restoration progress “score” that quantifies the level of achievement of targets against the recorded data. This report can be downloaded as a PDF or an Excel table that reports the selected indicators and metrics, the constraints on those indicators, and their relationship to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Site, Landscape
Technical skills/resources required
Internet connection
Language(s) available
English, French

Collect Earth/Collect Earth Online

Use this tool to
Visually assess and record tree cover, landcover, and other variables for user-selected sample plots using freely available, high-resolution satellite imagery
End Product(s)

A CSV containing the metrics recorded for each sample plot.

Collect Earth and Collect Earth Online are data collection and analysis tools that are part of the OpenForis series of software tools. Collect Earth and Collect Earth Online allow users to collect data on land use/land cover, tree cover, and changes in each over time. The data collection is desk-based and draws on high- and medium-resolution satellite imagery sourced from Google Earth, Bing Maps, Google Earth Engine, and others. Collect Earth is a desktop-based app that operates within a Google Earth Pro interface, while Collect Earth Online is a fully cloud-based tool that operates within a web browser and is accessed through the Collect Earth Online webpage. In both tools, users select the plot they want to analyze and enter their observations in a customized template. The parameters of the template are defined by the user at the beginning of the assessment based on the type of information they want to collect.

Collect Earth and Collect Earth Online can be used to remotely monitor any type of terrestrial ecosystem.  To set up a data collection application of Collect Earth or Collect Earth Online, you must define the project boundary, design the sampling scheme, and create a survey based on the indicators that you want to monitor.  Data can be analyzed and summarized using the built-in open-source software application, SAIKU. More details on how to harness these tools for conducting restoration monitoring are available in the report Mapping Together: A Guide to Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration Using Collect Earth Mapathons. 

Site, Landscape
Technical skills/resources required
Internet connection, Google Earth Pro (for Collect Earth)
Language(s) available
English, French, Spanish, Portuguese

Collect Mobile

Use this tool to
Collect geolocated biophysical, socioeconomic, or biodiversity data in the field via a customizable survey
End Product(s)

Data file recording the biophysical/socioeconomic/biodiversity metrics surveyed for each geolocated sample point

Collect Mobile is an Android mobile application for field data collection that is part of the OpenForis series of software tools. With it, users can record geolocated biophysical and socioeconomic data in the field based on customized surveys. (Collect Mobile requires the use of Open Foris Collect to create these custom surveys.) Users can collect and save data while on or offline. Once collected, the data can then be exported to a local drive, sent as an email attachment,  exported to the cloud as a csv file, or submitted directly to the central Collect Mobile server.


The tool is designed for restoration project managers and monitoring practitioners who are responsible for on-the-ground data collection at the site of restoration projects. It is applicable for monitoring any terrestrial ecosystem and is customizable for collecting a wide range of data points. Collect Mobile surveys can be validated in real time to improve data quality.  In addition, the application can handle large lists of species or other attributes, it has embedded GPS to facilitate geo-location, it works completely offline, and it can be integrated with the OpenForis Collect tool for data management, analysis and export. Collect Mobile may be used by forestry authorities, environmentalists, statisticians, NGOs, research and academic institutions, consultancy companies, and individuals.

Technical skills/resources required
Device with Android 4+ OS, camera, and micro-SD card slot
Language(s) available
Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Odia, Tamil, English, French, Spanish, Others

Forest & Landscape Water Ecosystem Services (FL-WES) Tool

Use this tool to
Select and prioritize indicators to monitor forest restoration specifically focused on water-related ecosystem services.
End Product(s)

A list of restoration indicators based on your answers to a survey; recommended monitoring methods for each indicator.

The Forest & Landscape Water Ecosystem Services tool is a decision-support tool for selecting indicators to monitor restoration of forest landscapes focusing on water-related ecosystem services. The interactive web application walks the user through a guidance survey, which uses questions about context, management, budget, resources, and technical expertise to suggest priority indicators. The tool produces a short-list of indicators to prioritize, metrics for measuring those indicators, and suggested methods for collecting data on those indicators.

The FL-WES tool focuses on monitoring the linkages between forests and water; therefore, the tool is best suited for use with projects where the restoration objectives are related to the forest-water interface (e.g., improving water availability, reducing sedimentation in water sources). The framework of indicators that is the basis of the tool focuses on monitoring the biophysical context and ecosystem services related to such forest-water relationships (e.g., water quality and quantity, soil moisture, community access to water). The tool provides guidance on which indicators to monitor depending on the circumstances of the restoration activity, as well as some guidance on how to collect data to support those indicators. External tools are needed to physically collect data against the identified indicators and report results to a target audience.

Site, Landscape
Technical skills/resources required
Internet connection
Language(s) available